Hey all
This story is a transperent version of the Roleplaying Story that I posted here
While this story is directly apart of the "Dragon Family" series, the other one that i posted on this board is not (It doesn't feature the Dragon Family nor the INF)
I got the inspiration to write this while watching CCS once more. In this particuler story, Sakura and Syaoran are married (Surprise surprise for Sakura

who freak's out in Chapter 2) Fai and Kurogane know the two but the two don't know them, it take's awhile for Fai and Kurogane to figure out "Hey wait a minute! These aren't the same two that we knew"
The story does have a few sad parts, the parts that I intend to write deal with Sakura and Syaoran in there own homeworld (Or, Dimension)
While the story has some sad parts, it is also filled with several action scenes. Including a battle which take's place in Chapter three between Syaoran and Maskis, and another one that Sakura get's involved in, but thats a hush hush

This story has two plots in it, the main one being Sakura and Syaoran's search to get back home, but also to uncover who there new enemy is. The second plot deals with the Dragon Family trying to uncover there fathers (Kalshion) past
Chapter two should be up sometime later tonight, maybe earlier if i can just wake up.... (needs some coffee)