Chapter 7: Forgiving Sakura (by CoonHybrid, added on 2006-05-02 11:34:27 AEST) [Discussion Topic]
"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"Ceroberus was finnally able to break out of his pretrifyed state.
However, he had to go to his big form in order to break his state."FREEE AT LASSSSSSTTTT!!!!!!!!"
said Ceroberus.He once more returned to his small form."Now,"said Ceroberus"Time to find Master
and see if I finnally get to fulfill Clow Reed's request!"
-back where Syaoran was...-
Syaoran sighed."Man... .... ... Okay, maybe if I just say gomen to her, things might look a little brighter
for me and I won't be feeling so droopy..." "HELLLOOOOOOO!I'M BAAAAA-CKKKKKKK!!!"
Out of nowhere, Ceroberus just shouted in Syaoran's ear, littarally knocking Syaoran out of his wits.
When Syaoran recovered(which was only a cupple of mins.), he was about to shout at Ceroberus, but
then he remebered about their "plan B"."Okay Ceroberus, tell me which spell to enshroud you with so
I can get this over with."Syaoran said."okay, it's this one..... .... ...Whisper... whisper..... ...." "okay, that spell, Ceroberus?"Syaoran said
"Hit me master!"said Ceroberus."Right!,"responded Syaoran."Come thy spirts.Alow this creation of Clow to be conceled!"As Syaoran said
that, Ceroberus was enshoruded with a thin flim of magic.Then, a little red jewel was embeded on Ceroberus' forehead.
"This will act as a temporay seal to show that I am under the spell.If the jewel startes to blink, that means that the spell
is wearing off."Ceroberus warned."Alright!"nodded Syaoran.
-after school...-
"argggg!Where the heck is that Sakura girl you mentioned?!"yelled Ceroberus.It just so happens that after lunch
,Syaoran doesn't have Sakura anymore in the rest his classes."Awwww MAN!MORE enthusiasum wasted,"
Creoberus complained "Man, it'll be ill luck if we bump into her right her and now!!"
Ironicly, Sakura DID come.She came right after Ceroberus gave his"speach"
Syaoran and Sakura's eyes met."Look, I only came here again to see the Nadishiko flowers, okay?"
Sakura thought,"But that wasn't the ONLY reson...Come on, Li-kun, just say gomen, that's all you gotta do!
I really want to be friends, but you still gotta say gomen!"
At the same time that Sakura was thinking, Syaoran was thinking, "Awww, man, I was hoping I wasn't have to
meet her again....What do I do?!Aghhhh!!!!!I can't say gomen!"One more Sakura's endearing words about her past filled his head.
He tried to clear those thoughts out, but he just couldn't."It's no use.....I can't shake these feelings off!Oh
well.It won't hurt to say gomen then..."(This is where Syaoran's heart began to soften)
Staoran's heart began to beat hard.Very hard."Okay, Sakura, fine, g-g-gomen!There, are you sadisfyed?"Syaoran said to Sakura with his
head turned away and with traces that he was blushing.Sakura giggled.Syaoran's head turned and was expecting
a laughing face.However, he was only half right.Sakura was in fact, smiling with a glowing smile
and a red face."See?That wasn't too hard was it?"Sakura asked.All Syaoran could do was to smile back and
say, "No it wasn't..."
"Hmmmm...."Ceroberus said as he looked for signs og the key."Hmmmm.... ... ...AH HA!Found it!"
Okay, Michimo-chan here again!Did you like this one?And like I said, GOMEN FOR STEALING THIS STORY!!!
I COULDN'T HELP IT!!!!!!!!!!! |