Chapter 12: Chapitre XII (by Arcademan, added on 2005-11-10 10:20:43 AEST) [Discussion Topic]
Tomoeda, Japan: Cardcaptor Earth...
An explsoion erupted where the young boy and the two shadow creatures that had attacked Sakura stood...however the explosion itself was completely silent, as not to disturb the peaceful serenity of the morning in Tomoeda. Once the smoke began to clear, a single figure started to walk from the blast. As Sakura raised her staff to repel the possible enemy, she saw it was the boy and not one of the shadows that had emerged from the explosion.
"Thank heavens you're all right!" said Sakura as the boy was dusting himself off.
" means THOSE demons? They were nothing compared to what I'm used to dealing with. I'm glad I was able to save you, miss...say, I didn't catch your name." He was clearly speaking with a confident tone and a hint of self-assurance in his voice.
"Kinomoto...Sakura...and I'm pleased to know your...WATCH OUT!!!" she shouted as two more shadow creatures move in swiftly behind the two but before the young teenager could react, Sakura tossed a card and struck it with her staff...
Instantly the shield blocked out the two as the boy turned around in complete amazement in seeing Sakura's power. The young girl pulled out another card and yelled out...
A blinding light came from the staff, then enveloped the two shadows, completely evaporating them into nothingness.
"Looks like you didn't need much saving after all. You can take care of yourself with that big stick of yours. By the way, my name is Yusuke...Yusuke Urimeshi. I'm what you call a spirit detective."
"Sakura...wait, I already told you that, didn't I? I'm what you would call a Cardcaptor...the legecy of Clow Reed. Pleased to make your aquaintance, Yusuke."
"Clow Reed?!! You mean the famous wizard who created the Clow Cards?!! I've heard of him before but I never dreamed his powers existed to this day. Perhaps Botan was right in seeking you out..." And is if on cue, a young lady flying on what appeared to be an oar ,wearing a flowing pink kimoto floated down from the early morning sky.
"Greeting, Sakura Kinomoto. My name is Botan and I am known as The Grim Reaper...a link between the real world and the Spirit World. We know of you battle with The Darkness and wish to help out in whatever way we can."
"It's her!" thought Sakura. "She was the person flying in my dream. She said I wouldn't be alone in this."
As she and Botan shook hands, Yusuke interrupted the two. "So, what can you tell us about The Darkness and these shadow creatures he's sending after us?"
A frown formed on Sakura's face. "I'm...not entirely sure. The Darkness is somehow connected to Clow Reed since he kept referring to him in our last battle. He...or rather it seems to be extremely powerful. I was able to hold it off however my best friend in the whole world was almost killed in the process." A tear formed in her eye as she recalled the horrible events that lead to Tomoyo's injuries and the fact she still remained in critical condition in the hospital. "I was going to get a hold of Eriol Hiiragizawa over in England...he who is the reincarnated form of Clow Reed in the present day."
"Let's go see Eriol then. Hop on, Yusuke and Sakura. We'll fly on over to England and check him out." said Botan as Yusuke hopped on the flying oar but Sakura was a little reluctant.
"Fly over to England? I meant only to call him but to go meet him in person?!!" As Botan hovered over her, Yusuke grabbed Sakura and hoisted her upon the oar and the three took off like a bullet.
"HOEEEEEEEE!!!" yelled out Sakura as she was caught off-guard by the actions of the spirit detective and his companion.
"Sorry, Miss Kinomoto...but Yusuke was always the one who did things directly." said Botan in an apologetic tone. "I surely hope this Hiiragizawa fellow has information in helping us defeat The Darkness. I can feel its powers growing upon the world."
Yusuke looked at his comrades. "Even if I had brought my friends...Kuwabara, Kurama and's just a handful of us against The Darkness and with the entire Earth at stake, it's going to be an uphill battle but I'll be damned if I allow evil to take over and destroy the world!!!"
Sakura remained silent as the trio flew across the Russian countryside. She reached inside her jacket pocket and pulled out a eight-sided jewel...The Powerstar. It was given to her from her other dimensional friend Arcademan during their last adventure two years ago. "He said to use it to summon him to my world in case of extreme emergency and he'd help out. It appears like it may get to that point. I pray I don't have to involve him in my battle but I may not have a choice." thougth Sakura, not knowing that the very origins of The Darkness came from the Arcademan Universe itself.
About 10 minutes later, the three reached England and the residence of Eriol Hiiragizawa. As they landed, Eriol was out in the front of his home, as if expecting their arrival.
"Welcome to England, well as your friends Botan and Yusuke. You are here because of the menace known as The Darkness. Please...step inside and I'll tell you everything I remember when I was Clow Reed..."
Within the Arcademan Universe...
"I'll tell you of the battle with The Darkness...over 500 years ago. If he has indeed returned, not only is this world in danger...but those two which at this moment may be experiencing the same senerio as we are." On that note, with the Arcade Brigade listening, The White Wizard tells the story...
"No one...myself included knows the true origins of The Darkness. There is some speculations that he was created by dark matter thrown at the creation of time and space...THE BIG BANG!...and it took billions of light years to arrive here by happenchance. Why it chose to attack Earth is not known."
Tecknight interrupted. "I really can't believe that senerio. The odds of his presence from the dawn of time to meet here out of the infinity of space is quite impossible." Tecknight, along with Striker were the scientists of the Arcade Brigade and dealt mostly in logic and science.
"As I said, it is speculation. Plus, as you, of all people know Tecknight...the impossible happens more times here than anyplace in the universe. Our world is the nexus point of the known universe when it comes to mystical forces and the spark of life. On that fateful day over 500 years ago, The Darkness came, the only thing on its mind was to destroy the entire planet. I couldn't allow that to happen yet even I did not possess the raw power to defeat him on my own. Bear in mind, I only had my own power, along with my original assistant, Eclipse to help out. Then I realize I could summon help from the infinite realms of dimensions. On two different Earths, I contacted the magician Clow Reed from one, and needing to go back to its further past, the wizard Shazam and his helper Mighty Adam from 5,000 years before also heeded my call."
This time it was Arcademan who interrupted. " knew all about Earth-S all this time? That's how Parrillusia knew she could use her magicks to form a portal to that world."
"Also the Earth that Sakura Kinomoto originates from, Arcademan, though it does takes vast amounts of power." added Parrillusia as the White Wizard continued.
"The battle between The Darkness and us trio of mages took over thirty-six hours but finally we prevailed. I wanted it destroyed however the other two sought only to neutralize the archmage. Using Clow Reed's sword, we divided it into three and chained it into the underground, hoping it would be forever imprisoned but deep down, I knew the day would come when The Darkness would return to try and destroy the universe, albeit at only one-third of its power."
"That's why you created the Arcade as to oppose The Darkness if it returned?" asked Disruption.
"Partially. Not withstanding the Beings of Darkness, which is the real reason why of your creation, you are the only thing that stands between The Darkness and the destruction of the world...nay, the entire universe." The White Wizard was finished with his amazing tale.
"Wait a moment, Wizard. If The Darkness is here, it is possible that he is also causing havoc on Sakura's Earth and Captain Marvel's?" questioned Arcademan.
The White Wizard paused, then answered "Yes. But we must focus on The Darkness aspect here on our world. Our might should prevail since his powers are only one-third of his normal abilities."
Striker had a disturbing thought. "What if The Darkness is active in all the worlds, He could be communicating with his selves, similar to the demi-lich Hextrillia, who lives between three dimensions simutaneously. He could be trying to find a way to reunite himself."
"Seven hells! You are correct, Striker. If even two forms of him are combined, The Darkness would be powerful enough to defeat the Arcade Brigade. If all three combine, then everything we know within three worlds will be lost. My must stop The Darkness at all cost!!!"
Arcademan turned to the fellow heroes. "We fight to the finish. Defeat is not an option!" He was greeted by cheers by the rest of the other members of the Arcade Brigade...
Fawcett City: Earth-Shazam...
After hearing the amazing tale of Shazam's battle against The Darkness, Captain Marvel headed back to Fawcett City...more specifically, the hospital from The Rock of Eternity. He was going to call out the heroes of the world, commonly known as The Squadron of Justice however he wanted to check up on his friend Freddy Freeman, who remained in the hospital unable to talk due to their recent confrontation with the dark mage.
After flying into a secluded alley and shouting the wizard's name, Billy Batson emerged where once Captain Marvel once stood. After entering the hospital and checking in with the nurse, he made his way to Freddy's room. Once there, he noticed he had visitors in the form of his sister Mary Batson and Uncle Dudley.
"'s everyone doing?" asked Billy as Mary hugged him and Unc shook his hand. Freddy, who still couldn't talk after neck surgery to repair his vocal chords, was alert and gave Billy a slight though tired smile.
"I'm glad you're okay, Freddy. The old wizard filled me in on everything and now it's time to take action. I'm getting ready to summon Bulletman and Bulletgirl, Mr. Scarlet and Pinky, Ibis, Spy Smasher and anyone else who wants in on this battle." Upon hearing the names of the legendary heroes of Fawcett City, Freddy attempted to get himself out of bed but was quickly held down by Mary.
"I know you want to help us, Freddy...but the best way to help us out is for you to rest up and recuperate." said Mary. She could tell he wasn't too happy about it but it had to be this way for now.
Uncle Dudley put his arms around Billy and Mary and said "Don't worry. I'll stay here and keep the lad company. You two do whatever you have to and defeat the enemy." Freddy nodded in agreement as Mary kissed him on the cheek.
"We'll be back soon. Concentrate on getting better, Freddy." said Billy as he and Mary left. Once outside of the hospital, both took a glance around and seeing nobody in the immediate vicinity, both shouted the wizard's name...
Twin bolts of magic lightning stabs down from the normally clear sky, striking the two and changing them back into Captain Marvel, The World's Mightiest Mortal and Mary Marvel, The World's Mightiest Girl. The two fly over to the headquarters of The Squadron of Justice. It's seldom in use except in extreme emergencies and this most definitely qualified as one. Once there, Captain Marvel presses a button on the panel.
"Now we'll wait for the others to come, then inform them of everything related to me by the wizard." Mary sat down, her mind still drifting toward the condition of Freddy back in the hospital but showing some impatience in going after the being responsible for his injuries.
"I know how you feel, Mary." said Captain Marvel. "I sure wish I knew where The Darkness is plus another thing just occured to me...I wonder if the same thing is happeningright now on the other Earths...Arcademan's and Sakura Kinomoto's. As much as I wish we could assist them, we have our own world to worry about...but once we're done here, we'll help them out. I'm sure they would do the same for us." Suddenly the doors to the headquarters opened up as the first of the heroes began to file in, preparing themselves for what needs to be done to protect their world from the latest menace.